Easy tips for homemade cleaners and cosmetics that work

Sometimes we lack motivation.
Sometimes it is energy, time, or information, 
sometimes all at once.

What if we need just a bit of  IN-spiration? A hint that enters IN-side our spirit and shakes us to act and helps focus the energy at the exact time for moving forward, changing something  or solving a problem?

You are here at the right place if :

  • πŸ¦‹ You want to save money, natural sources,
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to start, but you are waiting for the right inspiration and easy shortcuts
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to stop plastic pollution because you are bothered with recycling
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to reconnect with you, your creative power, something what we are all born with but do not cultivate it
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to feel this awesome and calming "I can do it" "I am independent"," I know what is best for me"
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to sense the joy of creating something useful, valuable, in harmony with nature
  • πŸ¦‹ You no longer want to shop because you feel that you can make at home all you need
  • πŸ¦‹ You want to touch and see how nature works

 In this E-book you will find:

  • πŸƒ support how to get out of consumerism
  • πŸƒ tips on how to find powerful ingredients around us, at home, in the garden, recipes with step-by-step direction
  • πŸƒ tips on how minimizing works even in the process of creating and preparation of homemade cleaners and cosmetics
  • πŸƒ in one place, all the recipes for products that we usually use every day
  • πŸƒ the focus on one field of our everyday routines, where you can start minimalizing without pain- there is no better motivation than the power of creating